Model Based Techniques for Software Correctness

Building a model of our software gives us a couple of elegant and efficient ways to increase confidence in its correctness. Modeling languages (such as TLA+ and Quint) are supported by model checkers, which enable us to reason about the model’s properties. We can specify desired properties and verify that the model satisfies them. We can also generate a large number of tests directly from the model and run them against the implementation.

A model can be written even before the development starts. This enables finding problems early on, in the development phase.

Besides being a tool for finding difficult-to-spot problems, models serve as high-level yet precise and executable specifications.

Model Based Techniques @ Informal Systems

At Informal Systems, we use model-based techniques both in our development practice and as a part of our security audit services. We develop and maintain the following tools that make model-based techniques easy to incorporate into the development and auditing practice:

  • Quint, a modern modeling language
  • Apalache, a symbolic model checker
  • Modelator, a tool that enables automatic generation of tests from models
  • cosmwasm-to-quint, a tool for generating Quint model stubs and accompanying tests directly from CosmWasm contracts

Table of contents